Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions or feedback? Reach out on GitHub.
What are the key features of SanityPress?
- Next.js 15 (App Router, RSC, Typescript) with Tailwind CSS (v4).
- Pre-configured Sanity Studio with schema & frontend components with VSCode snippets for rapid development.
- Visual editing in embedded Sanity Studio for a seamless editing experience.
- Auto-generated sitemap and RSS feed for SEO.
- Perfect Lighthouse scores on desktop and 99/100 on mobile.
Read in detail here.
What does the Sanity Studio look like?
Take a look at some screenshots of the Studio here. It’s designed to make content management intuitive and efficient.
Read more about how SanityPress structures content.
How do I get started with SanityPress?
Launching your website with SanityPress is incredibly fast and effortless! Follow the step-by-step guide in the Getting Started documentation to set up your site in minutes.
How do I customize the pre-configured Sanity schemas or Next.js components?
Customizing SanityPress is straightforward and highly flexible. For detailed guidance on extending or modifying schemas to fit your needs, check out this guide to customizing SanityPress. This pillar page links to specific tutorials for common customization scenarios, ensuring you can adapt the template to any project.
I'm getting an error message! Help me!
Listed here are common errors (and solutions) you may encounter when first setting up your SanityPress website.
How much does SanityPress cost?
SanityPress is free to use!
You can upgrade to SanityPress Pro for $10/month to get access to premium features like additional high-functioning modules and internationalization tools.
How can I support?
- 🧡 Donations are always appreciated.
- 🩷 Sponsor on GitHub to help maintain and improve the project.
- ☕ Buy me a coffee as a token of your support.
- Report issues or contribute enhancements on GitHub.
Helpful Articles
Read more on The Styled Heart Blog